Fort Mill’s Main Street Crawl A Resounding Success!

Fort Mill’s Main Street Crawl on Friday afternoon was a resounding success!

The Frame Collaborators and downtown businesses saw hundreds of people go through the Fort Mill downtown. From Loom to Pucker Butt Pepper Company, it was a great night.

As you can see from the video, Frame’s artistic collaborators presented some amazing different art forms: from dance, ballroom, and yoga to painting, music and more!

Dance Center USA


Dance Center USA dance students came and performed some amazing dances. As a local business, Dance Center USA was proud to be a part of the downtown merchants event. As dance competitors, the students did an amazing job showing their artistic movement!

Amber Shockley

Amber Shockley’s poetry found its way into the streets of downtown Fort Mill. Because her poetry juxtaposes like a boss,” it was great to see her moving poetry out of traditional formats (books and quiet readings) and into the streets. 

Fort Mill's Main Street Crawl Amber Shockley

Since Frames are supposed to be about the creation of art and culture at the same time, Amber’s poetry reading is a key part of the resounding success of the pop-up arts in this years Fort Mill Crawl and we hope to collaborate more with her in the future.

Moving Spirits

Tamara Ladonna with Moving Spirits also brought some great energy to the band stand. Because of the combination of African and Brazillian rhythms and dance movement, Moving Spirit’s Frame was full of energy and incredible to watch.

Fort Mill Downtown Crawl Moving Spirits

The Minor Majors -The Major siblings had a great time on the museum doorstep, and playing some improv time on the piano outside Mud Puddle Coffe and Olive’s Art Shop. Olive’s had a classical piano anyone could hop on during the crawl. Here are The Major Minors playing it. 



Chelsea & Savannah – The artists from Chelsea & Savannah brought some amazing colors to the street side in Confederate Park. 


Fort Mill Downtown Crawl Art Van
Rosalia Torres Weiner brought her portable art gallery and people were able to experience a new type of food truck: food for the eyes.
Fort Mill Downtown Crawl Music at Olives
David Csiszer rounded out the crawl with some amazing music! If anyone has Facebook lives, please share them with him on Facebook. If you have recordings on other mediums, also let us know. It was a great set and worth sharing. 
Tina Brogan’s  yoga team brought some health consciousness to the Crawl and also had some great poses.  Check out some of their photos in the photo gallery below.
 Also, a big thank you to Ashley Simpson, Taylor Berkebile & Meriwether Minnix for bringing their artistic abilities to the crawl. 

More Pictures from the Crawl Below!